
The patient rights practices, which are carried out in the vicinity of the Health Transformation Program, were initiated in 2004 on the date of 15.10.2003 in accordance with the Directive on patient rights practices in health facilities. In order to eliminate the diaries, problems and deficiencies encountered during nationwide applications, the said directive was amended by the ministry decision dated April 26, 2005 and numbered 3077. Our patient rights unit, which continues its studies with the new directive decision, takes into account the complaints, wishes and suggestions received by the patient rights violation.

There are a social worker,one asistant physician one president and 7 members in this unit.

Human beings are taking a step into the world by gaining some birth rights. The concept of right is a universal concept. In short, the right; It can be defined as ın the authority that rules of law give to people ğı. Human rights were first recognized in the UK in 1215. Officially, at the end of the 18th century, the American Declaration of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1789 were published. With the establishment of the United Nations, human rights have become universal. Universal Declaration of Human Rights published. According to this; it is stated that everyone is free, honorable and equal in their rights. Human rights briefly; it is possible to describe all people as being innately equal and free from every angle. This freedom is balanced by the obligation to respect the rights of others and not to violate these rights. There are various human rights. Patient rights are one of the basic human rights


1)  Benefit from this service generally:

Utilization of health services within the framework of the principles of justice and equity. Race, language, religion, sect, gender, philosophical belief, has the right to receive services without considering the economic and social situation.

2) Request information and information:

He / she has the right to learn all kinds of health services and facilities and to request information about health status orally or in writing.

3) Selecting and changing the health institution and its staff:

He / she has the right to choose and change the health institution and to take advantage of the health services provided in the health facility he / she chooses, to choose and to change the identity, duties and titles of the doctors and other health workers who will give the health services.

4) Privacy:

They have the right to receive all kinds of health services in an environment that is confidential.

5) Rejection, stopping and consent:

He has the right to refuse treatment, to be stopped, to consent to medical interventions and to benefit from the service within the framework of consent.

6) Security:

To take health care in a safe environment,

7) To fulfill the religious obligations:

He/She has the right to fulfill its religious obligations within the limits of its facilities and within the framework of the measures taken by the administration.

8) Respect for human values, respect and comfort:

He /she has right to receive health care in  respect, care and coddle, in a friendly, gentle, compassionate environment, all kinds of hygienic conditions are provided with all the noisy and disturbing factors are sent away.

9) Visiting and have acompany:

He / she has the right to accept visitors in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by the health facilities and to the extent of the legislation and facilities of the health facility and the right to have a companion if the physician deems it appropriate.

10) Right of application, complaint and case:

In case of violation of their rights, to use all kinds of applications, complaints and cases under the legislation


Recently, besides the patient rights, the concept of “Patient Responsibility  has emerged. The content and scope of this concept has not been established yet. In general, however, it can be described as the patient's obligations and obligations to be fulfilled in the process before applying to a health institution and after applying. It is possible to dimension the patient's responsibilities. In short, we can list in terms:

1.1. People should pay attention to their own health and follow the advice given for a healthy life.

1.2. If appropriate, he can give blood or donate organs.

1.3. In simple cases, people should do their care.

2. Social Security Status

2.1.Has to inform health, social security and personal information in a timely manner.

 2.2.Has; The health certificate (such as Bağ-Kur, Green Card) must have a visa on time.

3. Informing Health Workers

Patient should give complete complaints, previous diseases, any treatment in hospital, and the medications and health information that he / she currently uses.

4. Obey the  Hospital Rules  

4.1. Patient must obey the hospital rules and practises which  applies

 4.2.The patient must comply with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and other social security institutions.

4.3.When patient has  treatment, care and rehabilitation process of health staff is expected to be in cooperation.

4.4.If he / she benefits from a health facility serving an appointment, he / she has to comply with the date and time of the appointment and notify the relevant place of the changes.

4.5. Patient has to respect the rights of hospital staff, other patients and visitors.

4.6. Patient has to meet the damages of hospital materials.

5. Comply with Recommendations for Treatment

5.1.Patient  should listen carefully to the recommendations for treatment and medication and to ask where he / she can not understand.

If the patient has inability to adapt to recommendations for treating state is concerned it is necessary to inform the health professionals.

5.3. The patient should indicate whether he / she understood correctly the care plan as expected after the health care and discharge.

5.4. The patient hasit is responsible for the consequences of rejecting the treatment or not following the recommendations.