Sleep Disorders and Epilepsy monitoring unit

                    ”Epilepsy Monitoring and Sleep Disorders Center“

Epilepsy is a disease caused by excessive electrical activity of the brain. It can be seen in all age groups. Stroke, difficult birth, brain tumor, febrile convulsion, drug addiction are some of the causes of epilepsy, but any reason can not find on many patients. The diagnosis of epilepsy is particularly important in early treatment.

With Video EEG monitoring, patients are recorded 24 hours a day, while brain waves are displayed. Video EEG is of great importance in the definitive diagnosis of epilepsy (in the differential diagnosis of epilepsy from psychological seizures, cardiac origin, and sleep disorders) and in the management of epilepsy surgery candidates. With this technical system can provide definitive diagnosis of cases such as epilepsy surgery and alternative treatments it can be offered to suitable patients.

Polysomnography is of great importance in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disorders and movement disorders in sleep. Parasomnias (sleep transition,and sleep disturbances) and sleep disturbances are often confused with epilepsy, and in this case patients undergo video-EEG monitoring and parasomnography.

The epilepsy patients are hospitalized for 4 to 5 days in order to determine the accuracy of the diagnosis and to determine the surgical treatment candidates for hospitalized epilepsy and epilepsy follow-up. Sleep disorders, sleep-related movement disorders  and snoring problems are monitored.

There are 2 Routine EEG,3 PSG(polysomnonography)2 video EMG, 1 video EEG monitoring + PSG device in the unit.